
We want to buy Flux LED(3 and 5 pie) and Flat LED [South Korea]

Company Name TOTLINE Co.,Ltd
Purchase Tender Type A Opened (If you are seller regarding LD, will trade to this buyer)
Purchase's Tender Category Optical information instruments > Display > Flat display > LED

Trust information

Trust Number 679145613Notice : If you want this credit roport, please send me(sandy@photonicstrade.com)

Purchase's Tender NO. 193
A Capital Fund US$900,000 to 999,999

Annual Sales Value US$65,000,000 to

Conditions for Participate Purchase Tender

Starting Trade 2006-03-28
Ending Trade 2006-04-30 (NOTICE: GMT Timezone of Buyer`s Country)
Payment Currency USD -
Trust Member only Yes (View information)
E-Product Report Yes (View information) (NOTICE: (Specification Datasheet by E-Product Report)

Participate Limit 20 Companies
Grade or Specification If you want detail information, Please Click E-ProductReport(Buying datasheet)

Sub-con offer

Items No. Commodity & Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount
Laser Module(Green)
This product is used to Car lighting display.

- Car Application -
1) Break lighting : Flux LED
2) Room ligthing : Flat LED

- FLUX LED Color Type(Order) -
1) Yellow
2) White
3) RED
4) Blue

- Flat LED Color Type(Order) -
1) White(Bullish type)
2) Blue

- Flux LED Spec. -
1) Forward Current : 70mA(Mx.)
: Operating Current : 30~35mA

2) Operating Temperature : -40~100

3) Dom SIZE : 3pie

4) Luminous Intensity : 5000mcd more than

5) View Angle : 45deg. more less

- Flat LED
1) Forward Current : 50mA More than
Pieces 400,000

(Two Products)
Secret Secret

Origin Seller Field

Packing Standard Export Packing

Shipment Seller Field

Shipping port Seller Field

Inspection Sample test

Destination (ZIP 500180) 375 Dong gu seoseok dong, gwang ju city, Venture B/D 303 south korea

Quality Sales by Sample, Sales by Specification

Price Terms FOB

Payment Terms T/T

Validity 2006-04-30

Remarks Sub-con offer

Trade Description

Subject Dear LED Manufacturer

Contents Our company manufacture Car-LED Display.

This Product is very sensitive related to mA by Temperature.

Also, We want to buy high quality product(Flux LED and Flat LED).

If you want to ask this purchase, Please contact PTG Manager.

- P.T.G Handling Manager -

Dean Yang/manager@photonicstrade.com

Tel) +82-62-236-2050 , Fax) +82-62-236-2050

Best Regard

S.W. Hong / Project Director

If you are interested in Korea Optical Market,

PTG provide your booth & many benefits in PTG Pavillion.

Now, Catch Business Opportunities with Korea Optical Buyers

PTG Pavillion in PK2006 Exhibition
Member Benefits in PK2006

(10 Companies Only)

- PTG Pavillion Disply Categories -

: This Category is result about Korea Buyer`s purchase trend & invite buyer

1) LED : 2compnies

2) Laser : 2companies

3) Optical Cable : 1companies

4) WDM/DWMD : 1companies

5) Component(Pa./Ac.) : 1companies

5) others : 3companies(Ended)

Send us exhibitor application by Mar.5, 2006

- Your Benefits in PTG Pavillion

1) PTG Check Discount : 30%/booth

2) Support Hotel Fee

3) Matching Trade with Korea Buyer & PTG`s invite buyers(230peoples)

International Buying Manager Department1 (I.B.M-D1)

Photonics Trade Group


E-mail : sandy@photonicstrade.com

Sandy Yang

Tel : 82-62-236-2050

Fax : 82-62-236-2035


For further assistance or more information about our full range of sourcing products and services, please contact us in Customer Services, Usan dong 231-32, Buck gu, Gwang ju city, South Korea 500080 ; Tel)+82-62-236-2050, Fax)+82-62-236-2035


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International Buying Manager Department1 (I.B.M-D1)
Photonics Trade Group
E-mail: sandy@photonicstrade.com
Sandy Yang
Tel : 82-62-236-2050
Fax : 82-62-236-2035



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