巴基斯坦求购蘑菇罐头(Narcissus Canned Mushroom)
Thank you for your mail regarding our requirement of Mushroom.We herby given under our specified requirement for your further reply.
Product: Canned Mushroom (Whole)
Brand Name : Narcissus
Weight :425gm or 15 oz
Drained: 221gmor 8 oz
Packing / carton: 1 x 24 Cans
Price in US$ CFR Karachi,Pakistan
Minimum order 1000 carton
Shelf life Expiry: to be mentioned on top of the can and not less than of a year.
I think the following required information is satisfactory ,if you require more detail for the product ,Kindly do not hesitate.
contact person:Imran Iqbal