

优尼泰克斯集团是一家全球化的集团公司,公司的业务分为两个部分:工业织带和成品织带产品。工业织带领域专业于织带的生产,成品领域专业从事于扁平吊带,环形吊带,捆绑带和高空安全带。集团的营业开始于1910年,当C&S Valkenburg &Co.BV 形成织带和加工公司,从这里开始,集团已经发展成为产品多样,服务全面,客户遍布全球的集团。目前优尼泰克斯集团在世界的许多地方建立了自己的工厂 英国分公司三家 ;美国分公司;意大利分公司 ;法国分公2家;荷兰分公司3家; 新加坡分公司 ;香港办事处;遍及亚洲 欧洲和美国地区。集团总部坐落于荷兰的Scherpenzeel城市。优尼泰克斯安全设备(昆山)有限公司是优尼泰克斯集团成员之一,致力于成品领域的扁平吊带,环形吊带,捆绑带和高空安全带的生产。产品可以根据客户的要求按照国际标准ISO4878、欧洲标准EN1492-Ⅰ和EN1492-Ⅱ、中国行业标准JB/T8521-2007、英国标准、澳大利亚、美国等标准制造,公司已通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证、GS认证、CE认证。产品出口美国;德国,新加坡,英国,西班牙,台湾,等40多个国家。

Unitex Group is the international Trading Name for our group of manufacturing companies which is divided into two divisions;
IW--Industrial Webbing
Fp--Finished Products

The IW division specialise in Industrial Webbing(narrow fabrics) and the FP division in,Webbing slings,Roung Slings,Lashing systema and Height Safety Products.

The business was founded in 1910 when C&S Valkenburg&co. was formed as a weaving and manufacturing company, from here thegroup has grown and developed a wide range of products and services, serving customers all over the world.

Unitex is now a worldwide operation with manufacturing facilites strategically situated in Asia,Europe and the United States of America.

the main office of the Holding company is still located inScherpenzeel the Netherlands.


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