Guangzhou Jinwanli leather Goods Manufactory
An expert in leather goods production, Guangzhou Jinwanli Leather Goods Manufactory was founded in 1999. We now have more than 300 employees and a factory workshop area of over 3, 000 square meters. For many years we have gained appreciation from our customers in Japan, South and North America as well as Western Europe as a result of our professional workmanship, good quality and excellent service.
We mainly manufacture wallets, bags, mobile phone holders, organizers, portfolios, CD holders, cosmetics cases and other leather goods with an output of about 100, 000 pieces every month. Capturing the latest fashion trends is our production focus, but we also recognize that different markets have different requirements, so we try to cater to diverse needs. To further meet clients needs, we also provide OEM service.
If you are interested in any of our products, or are searching for a supplier to fill your OEM order, please feel free to contact us and let us know your requirements.
主营业务:leather handbags, leather wallets , leather cases, leather money clip, leather purses, passport cases, leather organizer