

我们充分运用国际化的操作理念,坚持\"以服务为根本、以专业为生命\"的经营原则,结合现代化的公司管理, 真诚的为每一位客户提供最优质的服务,将全球最专业、最有影响力的展会介绍给国内客商。同时我们还与国内外同行及相关政府协会保持着密切联系和良好的合作关系,我们在中国、中东、非洲、远东、东欧、中亚,南美,东南亚等建立了完善的营销网络,形成了从招展、物流、~~、运输的一套完整体系,并以优质的服务赢得了广大参展商的信任。


地 址:上海市曹安路1775号A座614
电 话:021-61994879 传 真:021-61434068
联系人:尹玉 手 机:13816699371
E-mail(MSN):dworld006@163.com QQ:1481319785
德国K展开始报名了,12平起定,5月31日截止,波兰,泰国,土耳其,越南,中东阿拉伯,斯里兰卡,俄罗斯,阿根廷,孟买,马来西亚,菲律宾,等等--- Lisa: 021-61992324 ...15093623121
Shanghai Dworld International Exhibition Services Limited is a company engaged in international exhibitions, booth structures, design in one of the professional exhibition company, the company has a number of professional exhibition talent, experience, rigorous style of work, honesty, service standards and level of professionalism by the customer the consistent high praise.
We make full use of the internationalization operation philosophy, adhere to the \" to serve as the fundamental, to professional life \" business principles, combined with the modernization of the management of the company, sincerely for every customer to provide the best quality service, will be the world's most professional, the most influential exhibition introduced to domestic customers. At the same time, we also with the domestic and foreign counterparts and relevant government Association maintained close contact and good relations of cooperation, we in China, the Middle East, Africa, the Far East, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South America, Southeast Asia, the establishment of a sound marketing network, formed
主营业务:国外橡塑展 国外塑料展 国外塑胶展

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