
佛山市盈丰电子有限公司(Ephom PBX Corp.)

佛山市盈丰电子有限公司成立于1994年,是一家专门从事程控电话交换机和网络交换机的研制和生产的高新技术企业,它拥有技术力量雄厚的研发队伍,勇于改革和创新,以最优化的软硬件组合研制出性价比最高的中小门数用户交换机(PBX),价格合理,外观精巧,安装简单,使用方便,性能稳定,风摩了神州大地。中小型用户交换机的出现,改变了人们对交换机使用范围的认识,它从单纯的邮电系统进入了千万中小公司和家庭。 盈丰的茁壮成长和快速发展,掀起了中国中小型用户交换机的产供销热潮,在极短的时间里,各个品牌的交换机如雨后春笋般出现在全国通信市场,成为电信行业中闪亮的一道风景线,而最引人注目的仍是盈丰产品。 几年来,它一直以交换机行业中不可超越的领先地位引导着同行业的发展方向,它结合中国电信的最新动态,率先推出无阻碍通话绳路,数码录音,来电显示,语音录音功能等实用交换机。并在稳定中小机型的基础上,不断开发大门数摸拟和数字机型,型号由一拖四,二拖八,四拖十六到目前~~规格为外线16门,分机128端口等上百个系列产品。2003年开发和完善了从两条外线十六分机到八条外线六十四分机可扩容机型,这两款机型以灵活自如的内外线组合,功能稳定、操作简单,受到广大经销商和用户的欢迎。2004年,开发了GSM交换机,克服了有线、无线混合机型的技术难关,盈丰产品再次成为交换机行业的优秀产品,吸引众多国内外商家的目光。 Foshan Ephom PBX Corporation was established in 1994, it is a professional enterprise in designing and manufacturing PBX. It contains a good team of skillful engineers. They use the superior compose of hardware and software to make out the best medium size PBX with excellent quality and favorable price. Ephom system is easy to be installed and operated with stable functions. In a short time, this kind of PBX is popular in China. PBX begins to connect with people's daily life, not only in telecom system as before. Many different brands of PBX appear in the telecom market, but the most attractive brand is Ephom. For these years, Ephom is always in the leading part to lead the PBX development direction; it pushed out many practical PBX concerning the new developments of China telecom, such as OGM, Caller ID, IP, Voice mail. Till now there are more than one hundred series in Ephom systems, the largest model is 16 CO lines and 128 extensions.By the year of 2004,We push out GSM PBX System.Ephom again to be attractive company appears in telecom field and gain many orders from other countries.
主营业务:研发,生产,批发程控电话交换机.Ephom PBX Corperation is a professional enterprise in designing and manufacturing PBX.

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