Hangzhou Kingdom Outdoor Gear Corp., Ltd. was founded in 2002 in Hangzhou ,
the beautiful city which is well known as the Heaven on Earth?
As a professional manufacturer of outdoor products in China, we offer a wide range of quality product, including Cycling series , Hiking and Camping series , Watersports series , Bags and Packs series , Container and Bottles series , Garden series and other outdoor leisure products .
We own three sub-factories and cooperate with many factories in Zhejiang province and throughout China, our mission is to provide the high level products with competitive price, elegant design , guaranteed quality, and timely service.
100% of our products exported to countries that located in North America, Europe, Australia , Latin America ,Southeast Asia and other regions with leading style and
good quality , and our products are very popular in those markets.
Support by our own design department, we have the ability to deal with the client new design idea and offer OEM service in time and efficiently.
We are looking forward to a continual pleasant cooperation with our regular
customers and establish wider business with new customers from all over the
world ! Please feel free to surf at our website, and let us know if you have any questions, comments and ideas.
主营业务:including Cycling series , Hiking and Camping series ,
Watersports series , Bags and Packs series , Container and Bottles series ,
Garden series and other outdoor leisure products