我们公司承接写字楼、品牌货、连锁店的服装、服装外贸公司的订单、货源加工等。本厂生产的精品、高档针织、梭织等商品出口中东、欧美及东南亚地区。其中单件衬衣、二件套装、三件套间、单裙、少女时装、童装、休闲等系列可贴牌、可来料加工。我们包工包料,做工精细,质量保证,出货准时。欢迎前来洽谈。联系人金生020 61116646 13143725502 QQ329077604 诚信通 jinfen1234 邮件jinfen1234@yahoo.com.cn MSN: jinfen1234@hotmail.com 地址;广州白云区新市机场路1085号 http://shop35581067.taobao.com/淘宝jinfei1234 拍拍http://gzjlh.store.eachnet.com
We do clothing company brand goods, clothing stores, clothing foreign trade companies of orders, processing and other sources. The factory production of boutiques, upscale knitwear and woven goods. Exports of the Middle East, Europe, America and Southeast Asia. One single shirt, with Er Jiantao, San Jiantao, single-skirts, girls fashion, children's wear, leisure, and other series can be OEM, processing. We Bao Bao Gong materials, fine workmanship, quality assurance, delivery is on time. Welcome to negotiateContact Jinsheng. Tel: 020 61116646 phone: 13143725502 QQ: 329077604 integrity jinfen1234-mail: jinfen1234@yahoo.com.cn MSN: jinfen1234@hotmail.com Address: Guangzhou Baiyun District Jul 1085 Airport Road, http://shop35581067.taobao.com / Taobao jinfei1234 patted http://gzjlh.store.eachnet.com
主营业务:我们公司承接写字楼、品牌货、连锁店的服装、服装外贸公司的订单、货源加工等。本厂生产的精品、高档针织、梭织等商品出口中东、欧美及东南亚地区。其中单件衬衣、二件套装、三件套间、单裙、少女时装、童装、休闲等系列可贴牌、可来料加工。我们包工包料,做工精细,质量保证,出货准时。欢迎前来洽谈。联系人金生020 61116646 13143725502 QQ329077604 诚信通 jinfen1234 邮件jinfen1234@yahoo.com.cn MSN: jinfen1234@hotmail.com 地址;广州白云区新市机场路1085号 http://shop35581067.taobao.com/淘宝jinfei1234 拍拍http://gzjlh.store.eachnet.com
We do clothing company brand goods, clothing stores, clothing foreign trade companies of orders, processing and other sources. The factory production of boutiques, upscale knitwear and woven goods. Exports of the Middle East, Europe, America and Southeast Asia. One single shirt, with Er Jiantao, San Jiantao, single-skirts, girls fashion, children's wear, leisure, and other series can be OEM, processing. We Bao Bao Gong materials, fine workmanship, quality assurance, delivery is on time. Welcome to negotiateContact Jinsheng. Tel: 020 61116646 phone: 13143725502 QQ: 329077604 integrity jinfen1234-mail: jinfen1234@yahoo.com.cn MSN: jinfen1234@hotmail.com Address: Guangzhou Baiyun District Jul 1085 Airport Road, http://shop35581067.taobao.com / Taobao jinfei1234 patted http://gzjlh.store.eachnet.com