
rixing handbag produce factory

Our factory has 15 years of technology and experience in doing metal pins, Handbag and PVC products. Presently, besides of making products with copper, iron pins, back bag, PVC ; our production items have been highly increased with the development of zinc compound, plastic metal, as well as high quality handbag.
We are capable in making new products from basic mould developments as our factory has complete set of mechanical equipments and our staffs are professional and well-experienced.
For the customer's convenience, both our Honkong office and China factory would provide service of accept orders and deliver goods.
Establish year: 1989
No. of staff: 500 - 1000
Business nature: manufacturer
Main products: metal pins & keychain
Zinc compound keychain & ashtray
ABS, PS, TPR, PE and plastic products
Backpack traveling bag, luggage bag, trolley bag & CD holder

2#xiecheng road kenzi town shenzhen china
Tel: 86-755-84135887
Fax: 86-755-89991423
Jova woo
jova@vip.sina.com, http://www.jovawoo.com
sir, this is our factory,if you have interesting,reply me,we should appreciate the opportunity of showing you how efficiently we can serve you,


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