

本公司在生产过程中,累积十多年生产制造经验及科研成果,以“汇科技之精华元素,创国际之品质欣企”为精神,采用日本、德国、美国等***的数码加工设备及生产技术。如电脑数控加工中心、数控车床、数控冲床等等,同时选用优质进口制冷配件如:日本大金压缩机、美国必斯图压缩机、意大利水泵、台湾元欣泵等制冷配件。始終以踏实经营来深耕事业基础。具备完善的管理制度,并积极申请通过ISO国际品质认证及CE认证。从生产、销售提升到产品之设计、制造、品质、销售及服务,不断的创新求变,多年来所经营的品牌信誉,深受社会大众的支持与肯定,以落实本土放眼国际为策略,并提供至诚服务为目标。 公司在广州市番禺区钟村镇屏二工业区(105国道旁)有展示厅及办事处,热忱欢迎国内外客户参观指导!『Yuan joyful machinery limited company initiated in 1990 in the Taiwan Province Taibei County Banqiao, closed right up against models machine field many year experiences and the skillful specialized technology exposes in the market, the product widely applies in the industry injection molding, the revertex, the plastic, the electronic electric appliance, the toy, the medical thing, the optical electron lens, food, the building decoration material, the mechanical industry…And so on is various, product image concurrently convenience, the reliable merit of and high standard user friendly mechanical efficiency. This company positively studies the development unceasingly regarding the plastic machinery peripheral equipment product under, unifies in the plastic regeneration resources use academic aspect and the practical experience beginning, had been established then the potency from the company the plastic smashing recovery system design, the research, the production.The company has the workshop near ten thousand square

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