

We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of copy paper and paper bags for more than five years. We have profuse designs including Christmas gift bags, Wedding gift bags, Wine gift bags, Jewelry gift bags,small gift bags, wholesale gift bags, advertising bags, garment bags with series quality grade. Our regular clients covered more than 20 countries and area,including Nike,Walmart and so on first class brands.

Our company was founded in the year of 2003, we started our faithful business in making paper bags and boxes for gift packaging, shopping and promotion. We invest much in advanced machines that makes it possible for us to finish large orders in high quality. Our QC system is always on duty to
guard our flawless production. Your bags and boxes will be printed with beautiful, novel designs and motifs that attract eyeballs of people in
the streets.
Our paper bags and boxes are used not only for packaing your goods and gifts but also for adding value to them.
Our goals in making paper bags and boxes are:
1.to make your gifts easier to be accepted and your society more harmonious;
2.to bring extra value to your products;
3.to build a colorful world around us;
Buyers are taking our products to every corners of the world. We appreciate them for their choice in importing our bags and boxes. And the
main reasons,we suppose, are:
1.excellent quality thanks to advanced machines, strict QC system, and experienced craftsmen;
2.competitive pricing thanks to perfect and effective management cost-saving logo;
3.quick delivery;
You visit here is our big honor as well as your great chance. You will see much, think much and, most importantly, act much.


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