Topwill Center Co.,Ltd
TOPWILL CENTER CO., LIMITED(CHINA NINGBO CIXI IMP.& EXP.CORP), established in 1973, specializing in the lines of bags for many years, including makeup bags, waist bags, handbags, icebags, travel bags, sports bags, fleece series product, slipper, etc. we have many good factories in china, maintain an excellent reputation within the industry, give our best services and good quality to the customers.
The products are being well exported to Europe-America, Canada, Middle-East, Southeast Asia, Japan, Korea and so on, more than thirty countries and areas. they are widely popular among all customers and well accepted. Welcome all customers send marterials, samples and brand for processing.
We satisfy our customers' demand on the basis of "credit". sincerely welcome to visit our company and come to the further cooperation.
主营业务:hand bag, waist bag, cooler bag, travelling bag, wallet, makeup bag, official bag, shopping bag, leather bag, fleece, slipper