


大成五金制品有限公司是一家台資企業,主要生產嬰兒車、運動器材、各類傢俱用品和管類五金製品等等。近30年發展過程中,員工由30人擴增至現在的650人,三條組立包裝線,目前廠房佔地面積達25000(含五金課)平方米。Da Cheng Hardware Product Co., Ltd, is a capital of Taiwan’s Enterprise, Our company provide various products include Baby Crib, Baby Carriages, Athletic Equipment, Furniture by tube and much more. We have over 30 years experience in this field, from 30 employees expanded to 650 employees right now, factory Size of our company have 25,000 square meter(included hardware department).
‧1975年創立設廠於台灣台南Founded in Tainan, Taiwan
‧ 1993年於東莞市清溪鎮投資設廠Established first production lines in Dong Guan City, Qing Xi Town, China
‧ 1997年獨立註冊「東莞大成塑膠五金廠」(來料加工)Independently registered as “Da Cheng Plastic Hardware Product Co., Ltd”
‧ 2002年更名為「東莞大成五金制品有限公司」負責來料生產和服務(獨資)Renamed as “Da Cheng Hardware Product Co., Ltd”, As an independently owned company, to manage and processes of sending materials products and services
‧ 2003年6月起,我司正式參與ISO9001:2000咨詢輔導June, formally participated to International Standards Organization's 9001:2000 advisory and counseling of Certificate.
‧ 2004年5月,公司重新組建以鐵管課.五金課.涂裝課為一體的三大生產部門reorganized and integrated three department to main manufacture department like tube, hardware and coating
‧ 2004年7月正式通過ISO9001:2000認證。Awarded the ISO9001: 2000 authorization
‧ 曾經生產世界知名品牌Previous production for world famous brand products such as翠明公司Coca-Cola(美國American)--兒童足球門架Child’s Soccer Portal Frame明門公司Graco(美國American)--嬰兒車及床 Baby Carriages and Cribs
‧ Whalen (American)—TV Stand
欣鼎公司Wal-Mart (美國American)--置物架Shelf Components
Combi (日本Japan) --老人車Scooter
歐洲(Europe)----椅子(Chairs),桌子(Tables),置物架(Shelf Components)及金屬家俱(Metal furniture)等。

Our company provides a full range of best and prompts qualities like we integrated Research and Development, Production, Sales and services as one. Below is our main machinery equipments as follow:

切管機Tubing Notchers 19 台鑽Bench drilling machines 13
包管機Capping Machines 5 鋸台Band Saw Machines 3
縮管機Contracting Machines 2 滾圓機Rolling Machines 1
擴管機Expending Machines 3 铆釘機Riveting Machines 6
沖床機Punching Machines 152 彎管機Pipe Bending Machines 22
塞星帽機Tuck Screw Machines 3 CNC彎管機CNC Pipe Bending Machine 1
磨床Grinding machines 2 車床Lathes 2
桌式車床lathe on table 4 自動送料機Automatic delivering materials machines 1
剪板機Plate clipper 1 銅焊機Copper welding machines 7
氬焊機Argon welding machines 16 C02焊機C02 Welding Machine 30
碰焊機butt- welding machines 2 拋光機polishing machines 6
模具铣床Mould Milling Machines 6 拉線機lengthen line machines 2
模具刨床Mould Planning Machine 3
浸泡式前處理線Impregnating Machine system 1
噴霧式前處理線Fogging Machine System 1
粉體塗裝線Powder coating & painting equipment (烤漆爐Oven L90m*W2.2m*H1.2m) 1
粉體塗裝線3裝線three dress line of Powder coating & painting equipment
(烤漆爐Oven L60m*W2.2m*H1.2m) 1
液體塗裝線1條Liquid coating & painting equipment (烤漆爐Oven L90m*W2.2m*H1.2m) 1

『實事求是、提升品質、追求卓越、共創雙贏』是我司總經理 – 陳忠壽先生30年來不變的經營理念,也因此得到社會各界的支持與信任,衷心期望新知舊雨共同攜手、開創未來。“Tell the truth, Accuracy of quantities and qualities, Achieve for profit is our operating principle” are Mr. Chen Zhong Shou unchanged management theory. Therefore, we have a lot of supporters throughout the country and worldwide. We will continue to do our best for we believe this is the best way to keep all of us moving forward to face the challenging business world of today and the future.

品質方針Guideline of Qualities
‧ 以人為本Humanity's foundation of our company
‧ 預防為主Prevention is the goal of our firm
‧ 客戶滿意Absolute Customer Satisfaction
‧ 超越期望To get beyond customer's expectation

品質目標 Target of Qualities

‧ 進料合格率≧95%≧
95% the rates of raw materials take in greater than 95 percent

‧ 客戶滿意度≧95%
≧97% the grade of manufacture are greater than 97 percent

‧ 制造合格率≧97%
≧95% the rate of customers' satisfaction are greater than 95 percent

‧ 成品出貨合格率≧98%
≧98% the grade of export productions are greater than 98 percent


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