
Buy Batteries [India]

Dear Sir

Wish you good day

We are leading Agents in India, distributing all type of Batteries to O.E.M., big distributors & Replacement market, equipped with modern display showroom, Our distribution network is supported with media & advertisements, resulting bulk Sales of Batteries.

Your Batteries may get very good demand in Indian market with our efforts, you are requested to send your Batteries specifications with competitive price, so that we can make base of sale of your Batteries to O.E.M., distributors & replacement market.

Waiting for your Batteries specifications with competitive prices.

With best regards
Kapil Dev
Director Purchase
Agra- 282010 (INDIA)
Phone: 91- 0562-2211760
Mobile: 0935850589
E-mail: kundrakapil@dataone.in



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