Buy cotton products [Ukraine]
Denominetion textile (100 % cotton) with rubber glue, with content zno (textile adhesive bobin white colour)
Testing criterion standarts
Storage time 5 year
Storage conditions temperature (5-35) c;
Humidity (40-80)%
Description striatation of the white textile without perforation made with equable layer of glue (white color). The material should be reeled on bushings. The material must be without rifles, spots, mounds, other damages of textile, without mechanical introductions, damages, uncoated by glue parts. On the textile, should not be any stitching on its boards, and separate threads. On the reels should be no more, then 2 places of sticking with an interval no less, then 100 meters. The material should be sticked line-on-line. The width of the sticking film must be no more, then 5 cm.
Width (12,5+/-1) mm;(25+/-1) mm;
(40+/-1) mm; (50+/-2) mm; (60+/-2) mm
Inside bush diameter (76+/-1) mm.
External diameter of reels (350+/-5) mm.
Quantity of glue (110,0+/-10,0) gr/m2
The mass 1 m2 of basis (surface density) (100,0-120,0) gr/M
The resistance on breakingaway (400-600) gs/cm
Constansy of sticking layer sticking layer should not break, during the reel-out
Rapture line should be plane
Winding density should be equal around the whole diameter of the reel.
Quantity zno in glue 18-25 %
Contact person : iakll
Company : EUE Sarepta-mediplast JSC
Address : 18, Poligraficheskaya Str.,13, Zujevskaya Str
Country/Territory : Ukraine
Phone : 38-062-3047424
Fax : 38-0622-527018