Buy handbag bag [USA]
unique handbags to be marketed in US. Need someone very good at understanding class and elegance. Please email me your email, details, and sample pictures please, and I'll send you our full information kit by return email. Thank you.
we look for bag manufacturer who can help us create eight new handbags that are better than Fendi, Chanel, Chloe, and Louis Vuitton
we will sell lots of them if we can create our own brand and our own altered designs
you with experience in replicas have great insight and ability
please design us eight bags under the brand Marco Celli using your experience so we can sell 5000 of them with you
Add:marco Celli
P.O. Box 62
Sheldon, IL 60966
Tel: (815) 429-3313
Fax: (866) 361-8875