
匈牙利求购节能灯(Energy saving lamp)

we are a well known Garden Center Group in Hungary, we deliver to some international do-it-yourself stores which are interested in low-price-energy saving lamps for sale in huge quantities (container amounts)at the moment. Regarding to the demand of hungarian consumers we are of the opinion that there is a run on energy saving lamps on the Hungarian market. If you could present us some of these lamps with a competitive price it would be very interesting. Do your products have the appropriate certificates (CEE, CE) for the European market? Please send us details and quotation for the selected products this week if possible. Could you recommend us some lamps types which can be solved in huge quantities with low price? Looking forward to your soon reply.Friendly Regards,

Balazs Nemeth, Foreign Trade
office :H-1067 Budapest, Terez krt. 47.
Tel: (+36-1) 354-1313
Fax: (+36-1) 269-4970
Internet: www.silvanus.hu
E-mail: nemeth.balazs@silvanus.hu



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