
Buy Gas Water Heater [India]

Let me introduce myself. I reside and work in Kochi, Kerala.
I have an experience in marketing for over 23 years in and out of Kerala. Currently, I am an authorized dealer for a chlorinator (on site chlorine generator) and as a part of diversification I have come across a company which manufacture GAS GEYSER in Bangalore and I have already installed plus 35 No. of them.(Both pressure and zero pressure) My market research and analysis confirm that the potential is high in Kerala and the demand will increase.
I have come to know that you produce and market the same product.
I would be glad to know more about your product and the standards that you have set in for that.
I look forward to hear from you.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Ebby Philip Athialy

Contact Person:Ebby Philip
Job Title:
My Company Name:Linkman Associates
Address:43/272, Kochi-682 018



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