
Buy Teppanyaki Plate For Induction Cooker [Singapore]

Looking for the teppanyaki plate as shown. Please be noted that the white article at the bottom is an induction cooker. And we don't want to buy it. We need only the tenppanyaki plate with the cover. Similar model will also be considered.

The product is found in eBay. Brand & Model no. Is SONY UF-610 tenppanyaki for induction cooker. We urgently need to buy one 20' container for promoting our induction cookers.

Company Name:Lh-tech Solution
Contact Person: Ms. Sandy Huang
Job Title: sales and marketing manager
Department: Sales & Marketing
Address: Blk. 808 French Rd., #07-163 Kitchener Complex, Singapore
Zip/Postal Code: 200808
Telephone: 65--64759568
Fax: 65--64759569
Mobile Phone: 90481566
Website: http://www.lh-techsolution.com



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