
Buy Reagent [Bangladesh]

Bangladesh government will purchase Reagent through tender. If you can supply Reagent than I invite you to offer me for this tender.
I will take part this tender with your offer. If I win this tender with your offer than we will import from you through Letter of Credit or wire transfer.
Attach is the details tender notice. I will send you specification after your confirmation.
Looking for reply.
Thanking you and assuring you of our best services, always.
Thanks & Warm Regards.

Contact Person: Sarker Kabir Ahamed
Company Name: Kopote Corporation
Primary Business Type: Distributor/Wholesaler
Number of Company Employees: 5 - 10 People
Country: BD
Address: House # 46, Road # 11\ A Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone: 801711675660
Fax: 801711675660



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