意大利求购饮品(alcoholic beverages, liqueurs and spirits)
Good Morning,
My Name is Gabriela Vaca Sierrlata and I work for Andrea Minale Srl.
Andrea Minale Srl is a national trade company that works since 2002, specializing in alcoholic beverages, liqueurs and spirits, although we also work with some soft drinks.
The legal centre is based in Ligure, but the current offices (200mg) and the warehouse (with around 3000mg of store) are placed in San Benigno, 10 km from Turin.
The purchase of these new offices is the result of the purpose of expansion. Therefore, the directive board has decided to consider the possibility of a direct importation business with other countries.
A.M. Srl has consolidated, in a very shot period of time, important commercial relationship with the main national entities on the business.
We are constantly seeking new contacts or potential suppliers, in order to expand our work field.
We would like to know the kind of offer you have, so we can compare it with our necessities. I hope to receive information from you shortly to be able to study the possibilities of doing business with you.
Yours Sincerely
Gabriela Vaca
Andrea Minale Srl
Contact Person: Gabriela Vaca Sierralta
Company Name: Andrea Minale Srl
Primary Business Type: Trading Company
Number of Company Employees: 5 - 10 People
Address: San Benigno (TO) Italy
Phone: +39(0)119887867
Fax: +39(0)119887631
Business E-mail: import@tradespirits.com