Portable 100w Solar Power Kit [Australia]
One of Australia's leading 4x4 accessory company's wants to buy a folding portable solar power kit for camping and outdoor market.
We have a market need for up to 5000 Solar Power kits.
The kit I am wanting to develop is as follows
A) 2 x 50Watt / 12 Volt solar panels (hinged) b) 10amp solar regulator,
C) cables,
D) battery plugs,
E) bag
F) stand.
The kit weight should be around 12kgs.
Solar Panels should confirm to IEC-1215 standard.
Company Name:Jsw Parts Pty Ltd
Contact Person: Mr. Tom Jacob
Job Title: Director/CEO/General Manager
Address: Cnr Centre And Westall Rds, Clayton, Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Australia
Zip/Postal Code: 3161
Telephone: 61-3-95321111
Fax: 61-3-95322011
Mobile Phone: 61419312493
Website: http://www.ironmansuspension.com