Buy Badminton [HK]
Our buying office is currently sourcing a range of Badminton on behalf of our US and European customers. Repeat orders will be frequent, but products must have low initial MOQs and is export ready to western markets. If you have an interesting variety of such products to offer, you may submit your designs and prices through our website’s online form. (Our website online form will provide you the exact criteria for the product information that you need to supply us i. E. Lead time, weight, dimension, etc, so that much time will be saved from having to email each other back and forth for missing information) Simply ’View contact details’ to access our main website, and click on the ’supplier link’ (in Chinese text) at the top of our main website to start providing us your product details. Please note that we only accept suppliers or manufacturers based in China.
company name:Good Orient Trading Ltd
website:228 Queens Road East, 16 / F Jonsim Place, Hong Kong
contact:Ms. Challen Zhang