Inquire about Sodium Lignosulphonate [Egypt]
First, we would like to introduce our company ***** as one of the Egyptian company's active in the field of chemical raw materials for paint, ink, textile, dyestuff, cosmetic , fragrance ,detergent, adhesive, printing , ceramic ,food additives&water treatment &special chemicals for different industries .
Our main interest is to build a mutual trading relation with partners all over the world, since we import products for many segments and promote this product in the market, we can also support all the products with good technical service.
we interested with sodium lignosulphonate (light color) ,please send us samples to test with our customers & send you our requirements soonest .
We hope to long term relationship, trusting that future operation will be productive of greater success.
With compliments and regards.
Sender: Ahmed Morsy
Company: Egyptian for Trading &Advanced Chemical(ETAC)
Telephone: (00202) 24021198 -(00202) 24051288
Fax: (00202) 24051288
Country/Region: Egypt