Buy Pumice Stones [USA]
Silky Heels Skin Therapy. A small two person company that sells pumice stones and natural soaps on consignment in Indianapolis, Indiana. I am trying to buy natural lava pumice stones, precut and drilled with a hole for hanging. Prewrapped in film plastic is what i need. Only the black, lava stones will suffice. I am hoping to buy a minimum of 200 pieces and possibly as many as 500 on a consistant basis. I am looking for a great deal! !
Company Name:Silky Heels Skin Therapy
Contact Person: Ms. Mary Jayne Sproles
Job Title: Owner/Entrepreneur
Address: Indianaindianapolis309 East Troy D2, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Zip/Postal Code: 46225
Telephone: 1-317-525-8089
Fax: 1-317-359-7221