
Buy E-PVC [Belarus]

For more than 10 years the Company C&K Corpoplast GmbH (Munchen, Germany) has been successfully working in the Republic of Belarus. The holding is represented here by three enterprises producing high quality packing materials. We supply our own products to West, East and South European countries. One can find some additional information about us on the web-site.

Besides we trade with suspension PVC resins and compounds on Belarus' market.

We are interested in buying a EPVC (paste emulsion PVC) from you.

Please send us your offer.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Company Name: Corpoplast C&K GmbH
Company Address: Promyshlennaya 6a, Minsk, Belarus, Belarus
Country/Region: Belarus
Zip/Postal Code: 220075
Phone Number: 375-17-2048386
Fax Number: 375-17-2048389
Homepage: http://www.corpogroup.com
Mobile: 375-2919773
Contact Person: Mr. Timur Varantsov



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