
Buy Resveratrol Of Polygonum Cuspidatum [United States]

I am a manufacturer and retailer of FSI Nutritional Supplements and am interested in purchasing 50% and 95% to 98% Trans-Resveratrol of Polygonum Cuspidatum. Can you provide me with pricing and analysis on what you have available in the concentrations of 50%, 95%, and 98%.

Please include answers to the following:
1. What extraction process is used?
2. What are the lot # and mfg dates of what you now have in stock?
3. What is the % emodin content of the 50% and 95% to 98% Resveratrol lot #'s you have available?

I want pricing on 1kg, 10kg, and 20kg.

Contact Name: Mr Charles Diamond
Company: FSI
Country/Territory: United States
Telephone: 1-603-7472200



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