
Buy Sodium Silicate [Turkey]

Cas No. :1344-09-8
Quantity: 150-200 Metric Tons
Specs:Solid/3 modules
Payment Method: minimum L/C 120 days
To whom it may concern,

Our company is working in the
chemical and mining sector of
Turkey. In this sector, I supply
companies with raw materials.
For that reason I require sodium
silicate. Every
month I am planning to supply
minimum 150-200 tones. Related to
this, I request you to inform me
about your quality and price.

I am looking forward for your

Company: K-M Mining [ Turkey ]
Contact: Berkant Dincel
Tel: +90-312-2230247
Fax: +90-312-2135244
Email: info@km-marble.com



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