
Need Medium Oil Length Alkyd Resin (M.O.L 8.60) [Myanmar]

We offer this product Medium Oil Length Alkyd Resin (MOL 8.60). We are one of the trading company of Myanmar. We are trading many product for our local factories and industries.

The product specification are as follow.

Medium Oil Length Alkyd Resin (MOL 8.60)

1. Acid Value (mgms KOH/gm) - 15 (Max)
2. Color (50% in Xylene) - (5-15) DIN Scale
3. Visosity (28c) Poises - 900-2000 cpas
4. Oil Type - Linseed Oil
5. Alcohol Type - Pendaerylkritol
6. Oil Content - (45-65)%
7. P.A.A Content - (32-34)%
8. Form to be supplied - 60% Solution
9. Specific Gravity (28c) - 1.1
10. Requirement - 700 ton (first, We will buy 2 ton for sample testing)
Note: The closing date is very near.
We required this product urgently.
If you can deal or if you have this product please send your email or company address.

Company Name:KLC Group
Add:Yangon, Myanmar
Mobile: 95-95105043
Contact Person: Mr. Zaw Lynn Htike Aung



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