Buy Wool Glove [Germany]
Dear Sirs,
we are going to enter the market with a new product, which is a kind of a half glove, without fingers, made especially for the work on the computer. The goal is to warm up the pulse and the knuckles so that the fingers will get warmed, too. In distinction to conventional gloves with no fingers our product will not reduce the manual skills, because the fingers are not being separated by the wool.
We are addressing our request to glove and socks companies, because our product is related to a stocking as well as to a conventional glove. For a first expression we have enclosed a picture of our prototype. The pattern is a tube, app. 17 x 9 cm, with a straight seam from about 1,5, cm for the thumb and an app. 4 cm wide wristband. Additionally a label should be sewed on to the wristband.
The material should be strongly warm and flexible to fit every hand size. It should be washable without getting stretched and not being scratchy. We are thankful for any suggestion concerning the material mix and the sort of knitting.
We would like to start with 100 pair of dark gray gloves in a fixed-size. After the first testing we would like to increase the production rapidly. To serve this purpose we are looking for a flexible and reliable production partner. If you are interested we would like you to send us an offer (incl. Cif), your delivery period, some material sample and a pattern.
With best regards from Germany
S. Weber
Contact Person: Mr. Sandra Weber
Telephone: 49-2152-9599909