Buy LED street lights [Spain]
Dear Supplier,
I am looking for LED street lights which comply with the next requirements:
1. The LED lights must be composed of some modular structures of 40W. The powers we should be able to achieve can be between 40W to 320W.
2. These modules need to be able to manage themselves the light. It means that on the nights, when people are not on the streets, half of these modules have to switched off. The next night, the left half which were off will be the ones which will become on.
3. The street lighting must have an astronomic clock to regulate the switch on/off. With that astronomic clock we can save plenty of energy. The switched on/off is automatically regulated by the clock.
4. If any available software to controll all the LED street lights.
I need several lookings of the LED street lights, I need modern and old style, many different types of models...I need if possible a catalogue and their quotations.
I can inform you that the business volumes we are talking about are quite high.
Please reply me if you can supply me the street lights with above mentioned skills.
Thanks in advance
Contact Name: Mr NACHO IBANEZ
Address: Martin Fierro
Country/Region: Spain
Business Email:
Telephone: 34-976-348152