Buy Yellowfin Tuna
Yellowfin tuna gg
We are sourcing gilled and gutted yellowin tuna 20kg+ for our cape verde canning factory.
Immediate purchase of 1 40ft. FCL + further supply contract.
Price must not be higher than USD 1300 crf Lisbon, portugal or dakar, senegal. You may quote FOB.
You must assure us that the product sold is of the best possible quality:
- kept chilled on board of the fishing boat
- transferred to the freezing plant expedite
- quickly frozen by tunnel or new equipment blast freezer -40c
- maintained in storage before shipping at -25c
Please return to us with your offer.
公司: Pesca Artesanal
电话: 34 610 942303
联系人: Ms Amalia Carimo
传真: 49 30 46792056
地址: C/Camilo Jose Cela 1-s-118, Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain