
Buy Electronic Parts

Knight electronics has been a value added supplier of electronic parts for 30 years!
We sell to companies all over the world. Our web-site has a part search area and we can take your excess inventory and post it on our web-site for free!
Your excess inventory can be shown off to all of our
customers and other companies who use our part search
from our web-site.
You can send your excess inventory directly though our web-site by part number or send it to me by excel format with
part number and quantity!

公司: Knight Electronics
电话: 1 516 3653830
联系人: Mr Chad Whitman
网站: http://www.knight-intl.net
传真: 1 516 3652054
地址: 31 Myrtle Street, Manhasset, New York, United States
Email: whitman.chad@knightelec.com



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