253 ma is a heat-resistant Austenitic stainless steel (Austenitic stainless steel), for high creep strength, creep strength and good resistance to corrosion of the application and design. The temperature range is 850 ~ 1100 ℃. The chemical composition of 253 ma is balanced, make the steel at 850 ℃ to 1100 ℃ temperature range has the optimum comprehensive properties, as shown in the following: high resistance to oxidation, the oxidation of skin temperature as high as 1150 ℃, great resistance to creep deformation ability and creep rupture strength, in most of the gas medium has a good ability to resist high temperature corrosion and brush scale corrosion resistant ability, higher yield strength and tensile strength at high temperature, good formability and weldability, and enough to machinability.
253MA是一种耐热奥氏体不锈钢(Austenitic stainless steel),为需要高蠕变强度(creep strength)和良好抗腐蚀力的应用而设计。其使用温度范围为850~1100 ℃。
253MA的化学成分是平衡的,使得该钢在850℃-1100℃温度范围内具有最适宜的综合性能,如下所示:极高的抗氧化性,起氧化皮温度高达1150℃,极高的抗蠕变型变能力和蠕变断裂强度,在大多数气体介质中具有很好的抗高温腐蚀能力和耐衡刷腐蚀能力,高温时有较高的屈服强度和抗拉强度,良好的可成型性和可焊接性,以及足够 的可切削性。