

镁合金是以镁为基加入其他元素组成的合金。其特点是:密度小(1.8g/cm3镁合金左右),比强度高,弹性模量大,消震性好,承受冲击载荷能力比铝合金大,耐有机物和碱的腐蚀性能好。主要合金元素有铝、锌、锰、铈、钍以及少量锆或镉等。目前使用最广的是镁铝合金,其次是镁锰合金和镁锌锆合金。主要用于航空、航天、运输、化工、火箭等工业部门。在实用金属中是最轻的金属,镁的比重大约是铝的2/3,是铁的1/4。它是实用金属中的最轻的金属,高强度、高刚性。Magnesium alloy has good performance, die casting die casting molding wall thickness of 0.5 mm minimum. Adapt to make cars all kinds of die casting. But magnesium alloy steels, achieve a 25 to 26 u m/m ℃, and aluminum alloy is 23 m/m ℃ muon, brass about 20 mu m/m ℃, structural steel 12 u m/m ℃, cast iron about 10 u m/m ℃, rock (granite, marble, etc.) is only 5 to 9 u m/m ℃, glass 5 ~ 11 u m/m ℃.
Editor this period of magnesium alloy application
In the application of the space shuttle
Magnesium alloys are aircraft, spacecraft and rocket missiles used in manufacturing industry the most light metal structural materials. The weight of the magnesium than aluminum light, specific gravity is 1.8, the intensity is low, only 200 ~ 300 million palmer (20 to 30 kg/mm 2), is mainly used to produce low load carrying parts. Magnesium alloy casting 3
In humid air of magnesium alloy to oxidation and corruption


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