
PA12 Rilsan AESNO TL良好的抗紫外线性能

However, in the blend of PA6/K-MAH(80/20), the disperse
phase of K-MAH was very average and small. We can see clearly
that there was a grave deformation on the surface of crack face. In
the blend of PA6/K-MAH/Kresin(80/10/10), we found that the
phase of Kresin became smaller than in PA6/Kresin blend. The
reason was that the PA6-MAH-K copolymer dispersed on the
interface of PA6 and Kresin, the pervasive ability of chains of PA6
and K-MAH was enhanced, the compatibility of PA6 and K resin
was improved.
产品名称:PA12 Rilsan AESNO TL良好的抗紫外线性能

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