高温应力腐蚀试验机SHT300SR SHT500SR SHT600SR SHT1000SR 初始试验力、初始试验力保持、零时间保持初始总应变、标距恒定、连续记录试验力和温度、定时记录试验力和温度、监测初始总应变和标距、松弛率、松弛特性曲线(剩余试验力-温度、力-松弛率、力-位移变形等);
Maintenance of strain:应变的保持
The strain imposed by the initial force, F0, at time, t0, shall be measured with a suitable mechanical, electrical or optical extensometer having the precision defined in 8.3.3 at the selected initial gauge length, L0. The variation of ΔL0 shall not exceed 5 × 10–6 L0 or 5 μm, whichever is the greater, during the force measurement and 7 × 10–6 L0 or 7 μm, whichever is the greater, between two consecutive force measurements.