
Tribolube 15

Tribolube-15V推荐用于真空应用。 Tribolube-15RP可提供三种不同的腐蚀抑制剂,由RPA,RPB和RPC字母指定。 这些润滑脂适用于小直径和大直径滚珠,滚子,针和滑动轴承,电触点,螺纹,阀门,齿轮,触点,花键,滚珠丝杠和螺杆执行器等应用。 它与大多数弹性体和塑料密封件,垫圈和O形圈兼容。
Each grease is suited for different operating environment temperatures. respectively meet the requirements for MIL-PRF-27617 Types 4 & 5. Although this lubricant is very inert, newly exposed rubbing surfaces of aluminum and magnesium may react with the greases under certain conditions.


Tribolube-15V is recommended for vacuum applications. Tribolube-15RP is available with three different corrosion inhibitors designated by the letter RPA, RPB, & RPC. These greases are suitable in applications including small and large diameter ball, roller, needle, and plain bearings, electrical contacts, threads, valves, gears, contacts, splines, ball screws, and screw actuators. It is compatible with most elastomers and plastic seals, gaskets and O-rings.
产品名称:Tribolube 15

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