
Indestructible 614-150-002-R1

Indestructible 614-150-002-R1坚硬的环氧烤漆光泽黑色搪瓷是961树脂家族的专利,对铝,镁和钢等金属具有长期的防腐蚀历史。 目前,它可用于多种环境,可用于飞机部件,热交换器,执行器,发动机部件以及多种其他应用。
Rockhard epoxy stoving gloss black enamel is paert of the 961 resin family that has a long history of corrosion protection for metals including Aluminium, Magnesium and Steel. Resistant to a wide range of environments it is currently being used on aircraft components, heat exchangers, actuators, engine components and a wide variety of other applications.
产品名称:Indestructible 614-150-002-R1

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